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Project Coordinator


Dr Georg Stettinger

Infineon Technologies AG
81726 München


TeraGlobus is the leader of project overall dissemination communication and exploitation, focusing all the efforts to create the project results' maximum impact

TeraGlobus is a Lithuanian joint stock company established in Vilnius. TeraGlobus activities cover three different areas within the innovation process including: consulting, management, research and manufacturing.

TeraGlobus provides:
TeraGlobus is a well-known local player that has the ability to interface public, private, and academia partners. The company works with emerging small and large industry businesses, public bodies throughout Europe, top universities, and individual inventors to develop international partnerships to advance their technologies from early-stage to the global market.

TeraGlobus has extensive knowledge management experience and offers consulting project management services for knowledge-driven organizations and researchers.

TeraGlobus has a separate branch that manufactures and implements water management structures. These structures help to reduce the environmental impacts from agricultural nitrates exports.ns.

TeraGlobus work towards:
Definition and execution of exploitation strategies in order to ensure the applicability and efficiency of the developed technologies.
Definition and execution of dissemination strategies and activities in order to make the research activities and the progress of technological developments and innovative solutions visible to external communities.
Definition and execution of processes for inter-consortium information exchange to establish a European technological networking platform.
Definition and implementation of large-scale end-user and stakeholder surveys, with the aim of gathering information about the public’s attitudes and acceptance.

Our main work is usually performed under WP7 related dissemination, exploitation and standardization activities where TeraGlobus work towards:

  • Exploitation route and dissemination plan: TeraGlobus will use its expertise in technology transfer and commercialization to ascertain appropriate markets, partners/investors, and distribution channels for the results of the technical investigation of developed technologies. TeraGlobus experts will use this information to develop a dissemination plan to introduce the technologies to market properly
  • Development of the project’s website content and other dissemination material, adapted to the needs and interest of different target groups, to promote the project
  • TeraGlobus will use market assessments to help ascertain any scientific or technical challenges market entry might present. Furthermore, our experts will pursue the goal of furthering the involvement of the novel technologies in the automotive sector innovations





  • TeraGlobus


    TeraGlobus is the leader of project overall dissemination communication and exploitation, focusing all the efforts to create the project results' Read More
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ArchitectECA2030 has been accepted for funding within (ECSEL JU) in collaboration with the European Union’s H2020 Framework Programs under grant agreement No 877539.

The project will receive an ECSEL JU funding up to 4 M€ completed with national budgets from national funding authorities in Germany, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Austria and Norway.  

Project Facts

Short Name: ArchitectECA2030

Full Name: Trustable architectures with acceptable residual risk for the electric, connected and automated cars

Duration:  01/07/2020- 30/06/2023

Total Costs: ~ € 13,6 Mio.

Consortium: 20 partners from 8 countries

Coordinator: Infineon Technologies AG



Horizon 2020
Horizon 2020



National Funding

National Funding














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