Applying CT-FLA for AEB Function Testing: A Virtual Driving Case Study
Ludwig Kampel, Michael Wagner, Dimitris E. Simos, Mihai Nica, Dino Dodig, David Kaufmann, Franz Wotawa
Abstract: The advancements of automated and autonomous vehicles requires virtual verification and validation of automated driving functions, in order to provide necessary safety levels and to increase acceptance of such systems. The aim of our work is to investigate the feasibility of combinatorial testing fault localization (CT-FLA) in the domain of virtual driving function testing. We apply CT-FLA to screen parameter settings that lead to critical driving scenarios in a virtual verification and validation framework used for automated driving function testing. Our first results indicate that CT-FLA methods can help to identify parameter-value combinations leading to crash scenarios. Index Terms—Combinatorial testing, Combinatorial fault lo- calization, AEB, autonomous driving, test scenario generation
Applying CT-FLA for AEB Function Testing: A Virtual Driving Case Study