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Project Coordinator


Dr Georg Stettinger

Infineon Technologies AG
81726 München

Real-Time Autonomous Vehicle Sensor Performance Assessment in Adverse Weather Conditions

Stanislav Svediroh, Ludek Zalud

Abstract: The future of the automotive industry appears to be intricately linked to Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and various levels of Automated Driving Systems (ADS). Over the years, numerous companies have incorporated sensors into their vehicles, however, none have yet achieved the development of a completely robust and self-aware system capable of operating safely in adverse weather conditions. To guarantee safety, the vehicle must possess an awareness of its environment and the current performance of its sensors. This includes the ability to detect not only current weather conditions such as rain, fog, haze, and snow, but also smoke, soiling from various sources, and extreme lighting conditions such as glare or low light. It is crucial for the vehicle to detect these conditions in real-time without delaying decision-making systems. This study summarises the effects of various environmental threats on commonly used sensors in ADAS or ADS and proposes algorithms to detect degrading sensor performance, which can then be integrated into the sensor fusion framework utilised in the creation of the vehicle’s local map. The ultimate aim of such a system is to accurately detect and report sensor degradation, enabling subsequent sensor fusion and path-planning algorithms to modify the vehicle’s behaviour and minimise unreasonable risk. Index Terms—ADAS, ADS, Adverse Weather, Sensor Performance Assessment

Real-Time Autonomous Vehicle Sensor Performance Assessment in Adverse Weather Conditions



ArchitectECA2030 has been accepted for funding within (ECSEL JU) in collaboration with the European Union’s H2020 Framework Programs under grant agreement No 877539.

The project will receive an ECSEL JU funding up to 4 M€ completed with national budgets from national funding authorities in Germany, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Austria and Norway.  

Project Facts

Short Name: ArchitectECA2030

Full Name: Trustable architectures with acceptable residual risk for the electric, connected and automated cars

Duration:  01/07/2020- 30/06/2023

Total Costs: ~ € 13,6 Mio.

Consortium: 20 partners from 8 countries

Coordinator: Infineon Technologies AG



Horizon 2020
Horizon 2020



National Funding

National Funding














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