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Project Coordinator


Dr Georg Stettinger

Infineon Technologies AG
81726 München

Fast and Accurate Model-Driven FPGA-based System-Level Fault Emulation

Endri Kaja, Nicolas Gerlin, Monideep Bora, Gabriel Rutsch, Keerthikumara Devarajegowda, Dominik Stoffel, Wolfgang Kunz, Wolfgang Ecker

Abstract: Safety-critical designs need to ensure reliable operations even under a hostile working environment with a certain degree of confidence. Continuous technology scaling has resulted in designs being more susceptible to the risk of failure. As a result, the safety requirements are constantly evolving and becoming more stringent. For validating and measuring the robustness of safety-critical designs, fault injection methods are employed within the design flows. To ensure safety requirements’ compliance, and at the same time to cope with the ever-increasing complexity of modern SoCs, the existing design flows become inadequate as the process is repetitive, time-tedious, and requires high manual efforts. In this paper, a fully automated, fast and accurate, fault emulation framework based on the FPGA platform is proposed that enables a high level of controllability and observability for fault injection. The approach uses model-driven engineering concepts and automates various fault injection campaigns, namely, statistical fault injection (SFI), direct fault injection (DFI), and exhaustive fault injection (EFI). A novel design architecture tailored for the FPGA platform is also proposed to improve the overall productivity of performing fault emulation. The proposed approach scales to a wide variety of RISC-V based CPU subsystems with varying complexity in size and features. The experimental results demonstrate a significant gain in the fault emulation performance by a factor of 2.75x to 47.57x when compared to the standard simulation-based fault injection methods..

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The Java2CSP Debugging Tool Utilizing Constraint Solving and Model-Based Diagnosis Principles

Franz Wotawa, Vlad Andrei Dumitru

Abstract: Localizing faults in programs and repairing them is considered a difficult, time-consuming, but necessary activity of software engineering to assure programs fulfilling their expected behavior during operation. In this paper, we introduce the Java2CSP debugging tool implementing the principles of model-based diagnosis for fault localization, which can be accessed over the internet using an ordinary web browser. Java2CSP makes use of a constraint representation of a program together with a failing test case for reporting debugging candidates. The tool supports a non-object-oriented subset of the programming language Java. Java2CSP is not supposed to be used in any production environment. Instead, the tool has been developed for providing a prototypical implementation of a debugger using constraints. We present the underlying foundations behind Java2CSP, discuss some preliminary results, and show how the tool can also be used for test case generation and other applications.

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Towards Fault Simulation at Mixed Register-Transfer/Gate-Level Models

Endri Kaja, Nicolas Gerlin, Mounika Vaddeboina, Luis Rivas, Sebastian Prebeck, Zhao Han, Keerthikumara Devarajegowda, Wolfgang Ecker

Abstract: Safety-critical designs used in automotive applications need to ensure reliable operations even under hostile operating conditions. As these designs grow in size and complexity, they are facing an increased risk of failure. Consequently, the methods applied to validate the reliability of designs require increasingly more compute resources (e.g., fault simulation time) and manual efforts. Rigorous and highly automated safety analysis methods are needed to cope with this rising complexity. In this paper, we propose a model-based safety analysis flow to enable fault injection at different abstraction levels of a design. The fault simulation is performed at register transfer level (RTL) of a design, in which parts of the design targeted for fault simulation are represented with gate-level granularity. This mixed representation of a design provides a significant rise in fault simulation performance while maintaining the same accuracy as a gate-level fault simulation. To demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach, various RISC- V based CPU subsystems that are part of automotive SoCs are considered for fault simulation. The experimental results show an increase of 3.5x - 8.4x in the fault simulation performance with substantially less manual effort as all the design activities are automated utilizing a model-driven RTL generation flow.

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Using Formal Conformance Testing to Generate Scenarios for Autonomous Vehicles

Jean-Baptiste Horel, Christian Laugier, Lina Marsso, Radu Mateescu, Lucie Muller, Anshul Paigwar, Alessandro Renzaglia, Wendelin Serwe

Abstract: Simulation, a common practice to evaluate au-tonomous vehicles, requires to specify realistic scenarios, in par-ticular critical ones, occurring rarely and potentially dangerous to reproduce on the road. Such scenarios may be either generated randomly, or specified manually. Randomly generating scenarios is easy, but their relevance might be difficult to assess. Manually specified scenarios can focus on a given feature, but their design might be difficult and time-consuming, especially to achieve satisfactory coverage. In this work, we propose an automatic approach to generate a large number of relevant critical scenarios for autonomous driving simulators. The approach is based on the generation of behavioral conformance tests from a formal model (specifying the ground truth configuration with the range of vehicle behaviors) and a test purpose (specifying the critical feature to focus on). The obtained abstract test cases cover, by construction, all possible executions exercising a given feature, and can be automatically translated into the inputs of autonomous driving simulators. We illustrate our approach by generating thousands of behavior trees for the CARLA simulator for several realistic configurations.

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Human Detection in Depth Map Created from Point Cloud

Adam Ligocki, Ludek Zalud

Abstract: This paper deals with human detection in the LiDAR data using the YOLO object detection neural network architecture. RGB-based object detection is the most studied topic in the field of neural networks and autonomous agents. However, these models are very sensitive to even minor changes in the weather or light conditions if the training data do not cover these situations. This paper proposes to use the LiDAR data as a redundant, and more condition invariant source of object detections around the autonomous agent. We used the publically available real-traffic dataset that simultaneously captures data from RGB camera and 3D LiDAR sensors during the clear-sky day and rainy night time and we aggregate the LiDAR data for a short period to increase the density of the point cloud. Later we projected these point cloud by several projection models, like pinhole camera model, cylindrical projection, and bird-view projection, into the 2D image frame, and we annotated all the images. As the main experiment, we trained the several YOLOv5 neural networks on the data captured during the day and validate the models on the mixed day and night data to study the robustness and information gain during the condition changes of the input data. The results show that the LiDAR-based models provide significantly better performance during the changed weather conditions than the RGB-based models.

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Contaminations on Lidar Sensor Covers: Performance Degradation Including Fault Detection and Modeling as Potential Applications

Birgit Schlager, Thomas Goelles, Stefan Muckenhuber, Daniel Watzenig

Abstract: Lidar sensors play an essential role in the perception system of automated vehicles. Fault Detection, Isolation, Identification, and Recovery (FDIIR) systems are essential for increasing the reliability of lidar sensors. Knowing the influence of different faults on lidar data is the first crucial step towards fault detection for lidar sensors in automated vehicles. We investigate the influences of sensor cover contaminations on the output data, i.e., on the lidar point cloud and full waveform. Different contamination types were applied (dew, dirt, artificial dirt, foam, water, and oil) and the influence on the output data of the single beam lidar RIEGL LD05-A20 and the automotive mechanically spinning lidar Ouster OS1-64 was evaluated. The LD05-A20 measurements show that dew, artificial dirt, and foam lead to unwanted reflections at the sensor cover. Dew, artificial dirt over the entire transmitter, and foam measurements lead to severe faults, i.e., complete sensor blindness. The OS1-64 measurements also show that dew can lead to almost complete sensor blindness. The results look promising for further studies on fault detection and isolation, since the different contamination types lead to different symptom combinations.

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Brno urban dataset: Winter extension

Adam Ligocki, Ales Jelinek, Ludek Zalud

Abstract: This paper presents our latest extension of the Brno Urban Dataset (BUD), the Winter Extension (WE). The dataset contains data from commonly used sensors in the automotive industry, like four RGB and single IR cameras, three 3D LiDARs, differential RTK GNSS receiver with heading estimation, the IMU and FMCW radar. Data from all sensors are precisely timestamped for future offline interpretation and data fusion. The most significant gain of the dataset is the focus on the winter conditions in snow-covered environments.

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Automotive Intelligence Embedded in Electric Connected Autonomous and Shared Vehicles Technology for Sustainable Green Mobility

Ovidiu Vermesan, Reiner John, Patrick Pype, Gerardo Daalderop, Kai Kriegel, Gerhard Mitic, Vincent Lorentz, Roy Bahr, Hans Erik Sand, Steffen Bockrath and Stefan Waldhör

Abstract: The automotive sector digitalization accelerates the technology convergence of perception, computing processing, connectivity, propulsion, and data fusion for electric connected autonomous and shared (ECAS) vehicles. This brings cutting-edge computing paradigms with embedded cognitive capabilities into vehicle domains and data infrastructure to provide holistic intrinsic and extrinsic intelligence for new mobility applications.

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EMC Oxidation Under High-Temperature Aging

A. S. Inamdar, P. Gromala, A. Prisacaru, A. Kabakchiev, Y. Yang, B. Han

Abstract: Epoxy molding compound (EMC) is widely used for encapsulating automotive electronics. Among all of the components of an electronic package, EMC is most exposed to the atmosphere, and thus undergoes aging. During high-temperature operation, EMC is oxidized, which alters its mechanical properties, and thus can affect the reliability of electronic components. This chapter focuses on four key aspects of EMC oxidation – (1) the growth of EMC oxidation layer, (2) the mechanical properties of oxidized EMC, (3) the effect of oxidized EMC on thermomechanical behavior of a molded package, and (4) the effect of EMC oxidation on solder joint reliability. This study utilizes various experimental characterization techniques as well as finite element simulation-based analysis.

EMC Oxidation Under High-Temperature Aging


Internet of Vehicles – System of Systems Distributed Intelligence for Mobility Applications

Ovidiu Vermesan, Reiner John, Patrick Pype, Gerardo Daalderop, Meghashyam Ashwathnarayan, Roy Bahr, Tore Karlsen, Hans-Erik Sand

Abstract: This chapter presents the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) concept, technologies and applications used to realise intelligent functions, optimise vehicle performance, control, and decision-making for future electric, connected, autonomous, and shared (ECAS) vehicles mobility scenarios.

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ArchitectECA2030 has been accepted for funding within (ECSEL JU) in collaboration with the European Union’s H2020 Framework Programs under grant agreement No 877539.

The project will receive an ECSEL JU funding up to 4 M€ completed with national budgets from national funding authorities in Germany, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Austria and Norway.  

Project Facts

Short Name: ArchitectECA2030

Full Name: Trustable architectures with acceptable residual risk for the electric, connected and automated cars

Duration:  01/07/2020- 30/06/2023

Total Costs: ~ € 13,6 Mio.

Consortium: 20 partners from 8 countries

Coordinator: Infineon Technologies AG



Horizon 2020
Horizon 2020



National Funding

National Funding














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